WOCK is a professional footwear brand owned by Procalçado S.A., a Portuguese company that through design and colour has been breaking some dogmas in the typically grey professional footwear market.
After more than 40 years of activity, Procalçado S.A. is currently one of the largest European producers of footwear components and moulded footwear. This is a path marked by innovation and technological leadership, wrapped up in a quality customer service.
This company strategy made possible to achieve an annual turnover of EURO 20 million in 2012 selling about 6 million pairs of Procalçado brands throughout the world.
Wock Shoes
For professionals who work in the most demanding environments, the Clog is the ideal style. It is antistatic and is made of STERI-TECH, a high quality polymer which can be sterilized in an autoclave, ensuring guaranteed of hygiene standards. With the comfort provided by the shock absorption system, you will get to the end of the day feeling at the top of your abilities. To ensure it will suit your personal style, it comes in 12 different colours.
To learn more about WOCK, please visit www.wockshoes.com or contact us for more information.