MEDICON eG was founded in 1941 through the merger of 6 companies specialising in the production of surgical tools. Over 30,000 items are currently produced at 11 MEDICON production facilities in the Tuttlingen region where the emphasis is very much on a traditional approach. MEDICON and its subsidiaries have a 400 employee-strong workforce.
High-quality MEDICON products are sold in over 120 countries world-wide. As a company certified in accordance with EN ISO 13485:/AC:2012 and MDD 93/42 EEC, MEDICON eG guarantees consistently high quality in terms of product design, development and manufacture in all production processes. Top priority is given to quality in all sectors of the company.
Adherence to stringent quality standards and continuous further development on the part of their production engineers guarantee now, and in the future, those products that prove themselves on a daily basis in the operating theatre.
Constant, close contact with end-users throughout the world brings experience in optimising the efficacy of existing instruments and helps them to develop innovative products for new surgical techniques.
High-tech production processes, the use of CNC-controlled manufacturing centres and the manual dexterity of experienced experts and specialists guarantee the consistently high function- and quality standard of all manufactured products.
As far as MEDICON is concerned, customer services is a matter of course, not an obligation:
- MEDICON keeps a well-organised warehouse stocked with virtually all Medicon products.
- MEDICON supplies all its clients direct and without any delay.
- MEDICON organises continuous training programmes and seminars for its partners.
- MEDICON provides reference material, CDs and videos for the purposes of continuous training.
MEDICON presents itself as a Full-Service Provider covering numerous aspects:
- The company is in close contact with clients thanks to a world-wide sales network of well-trained, competent specialised distributors.
- Direct, day-to-day contact with clients by letter, telephone, fax, e-mail or via the Internet.
- Personal discussions and presentations at trade fairs and congresses world-wide.
- MEDICON products are repaired or replaced directly by the manufacturer.
- Customer Satisfaction thanks to the MEDICON-After-Sales-Service. Reliability. Rapidity. Flexibility.
- For all their reusable instruments MEDICON grant a 10-years guarantee for definite defects in materials and defects arising from manufacturing techniques or production processes.
- Screening of instrument sets for hospitals by medical representatives and servicing staff.
- MEDICON is dedicated to creating a mutually rewarding, reliable and effective partnership both today and for the future.
History of Made in Germany
The beginnings of the history of “made in Germany” have to be sought in the beginning of the industrial revolution and industrial production. Back then, German producers started to copy English brands by putting them on the German products, which, at that time, were judged as low-quality.
To protect the English market, the English parliament passed the so-called “Merchandise Marks Act” in 1887. From now on, all goods that were delivered from the German Empire to England had to be marked with “made in Germany”. What started as a sign of low-quality, altered over the change of the century in a positive aspect. Due to production according to strict standards the German products soon surpassed the English quality levels and “made in Germany” developed into a characteristic for superb quality, which is still valid today.
History of Tuttlingen and medical technique
The area around Tuttlingen shows a large supply of the mineral resource “bean ore”. This ore is located in the layers of the White Jura. Before other production methods were developed, “bean ore” was mainly used to produce iron.
In Tuttlingen, the melting of “bean ore” took place in the “Ludwigstal” in the ducal smelting plant (founded in 1696). Until 1860, “bean ore” was used as raw material for the production of iron.
From this came a iron processing industrial branch. In the beginning, there were mainly nail and knife forges. Due to influences coming from Paris, at that time, the world centre of surgery, other ideas came to Tuttlingen. With the foundation of the company “Jetter” in 1867, from which later the company “Aesculap” developed, started the first serial production of surgical instruments.
History of MEDICON eG
The company MEDICON eG, was founded in 1941 by six businesses. The reasons for the merger lay in the limitation of iron and steel, which at that time were needed for the armaments industry. Only companies, which could show a certain size, had a chance to acquire this raw material. The combining also produced a “synergy” effect due to a supplementing product line which enabled Medicon eG to appear on the market as a supplier of a complete line of surgical instruments.
Meanwhile, the co-operative consists of 11 member companies, of which each has concentrated on a product line. This leads to a specialisation, which enables each company to an efficient and cost-saving production. Altogether, the product line consists of more than 35.000 items, which are produced and sold by approximately 450 workers in the MEDICON co-operative. However there are partly instruments, which cannot be manufactured in Germany any more. MEDICON is buying some instruments and accessories from different countries. In 120 countries worldwide, their products are highly valued as a quality characteristic made in Germany.
MEDICON eG “made in Germany”
Their complete line – including the standard instruments – is still manufactured in Germany in their own production facilities. This company philosophy stands out from their competitors. “Made in Germany” means for them made in Germany and that is for all product areas. For “made in Germany”-line, MEDICON do not use production in foreign countries.
To learn more about Medicon, please visit www.medicon.de or contact us for more information.